New CUSHION RUBBER to restore original bounce on rails and STANDARD GREEN Cloth/Felt. Funny how OLD becomes NEW. When I started in the billiards industry in the 1980's, old days…
Old is NEW - BASIC GREEN Cloth/Felt is BACK in AGAIN. I am so OLD that when I started sellingand Installing POOL TABLES, BASIC GREEN was it, the only color…
Depends on what one defines as FIXED. Most Billiard Service Technicians with high integrityin their work would say NO as any FIX less than replacing the cloth/felt would have a…
02/27/24 - One to REMEMBERSteep driveway, 7 steps up, 8 steps up, 10 steps up to installation level, 30+ trips up and down to install, my 76th birthday was 02/17/24,…
Sold my last 7' Reno WDC (Weathered Dark Chestnut) Previous installation with RED cloth/felt, will be with DARK GREEN cloth/felt. Not the easiest installation with outside stair steps, 5+ to…